The internet is captivated by eerie ‘lamp story’ about a man who was knocked unconscious and ‘lived an entire life’ before being woken up… only to be left heartbroken at losing the family he never really had
- The ‘lamp story’ has recently been thrust back into the social media spotlight
- The original poster, from the US, explained he had been knocked unconscious
- He lived an entire life – including having a wife and kids – before waking up
The internet has been left captivated by an eerie tale about a man who ‘lived an entire life’ after being knocked unconscious before being awoken by distorted light in his vision.
The ‘lamp story’ has recently been thrust back into the social media spotlight after first being shared on Reddit.
The original poster, believed to be from the US, explained that after being knocked unconscious he lived an entire life – including getting married and having kids – before waking up to be right back in the aftermath of the accident.
Now dozens of others have passed comment on the scenario and created their own skits based off the tale – with #thelampstory clocking up more than 75.3 million views on TikTok in recent weeks.
A man has left the internet in awe after sharing a wild story about how he was knocked unconscious – and lived an entire life, including having kids, before waking up (stock image)
The ‘lamp story’ has recently been thrust back into the social media spotlight after first being shared on Reddit
The original post, which has since been deleted, explained how the man had been subject to an assault by a football player which left him unconscious in the middle of the road.
He said that ‘while on the ground I lived a different life’ before dishing further details about his experience.
‘I met a wonderful young lady, she made my heart skip and my face red, I pursued her for months and dispatched a few jerk boyfriends before I finally won her over, after two years we got married and almost immediately she bore me a daughter.
‘I had a great job and my wife didn’t have to work outside of the house, when my daughter was two my wife bore me a son.
‘My son was the joy of my life, I would walk into his room every morning before I left for work and doted on him and my daughter.’
But the post continued: ‘One day while sitting on the couch I noticed that the perspective of the lamp was odd, like inverted. It was still in 3D but… just… wrong.
‘I was transfixed, I couldn’t look away from it. I stayed up all night staring at it, the next morning I didn’t go to work, something was just not right about that lamp.
‘I stopped eating, I left the couch only to use the bathroom at first, soon I stopped that too as I wasn’t eating or drinking.
The post was shared many years ago but was flooded with comments at the time as one wrote: ‘Dear God that’s haunting. I just… wow’
Now dozens of others have passed comment on the scenario and created their own skits based off the tale
🥹💀 May your lamp never distort #lampstory #thelampstory #pov #creepy #skinwalker #fyp #Uncannyvalley #remotework #dreamjob #remoteworking #remotejob #thelamp #redditstories #redditreadings
‘I stared at the f**king lamp for three days before my wife got really worried, she had someone come and try to talk to me, by this time my cognizance was breaking up and my wife was freaking out.’
The man explained: ‘She took the kids to her mother’s house just before I had my epiphany…. the lamp is not real…. the house is not real, my wife, my kids… none of that is real… the last 10 years of my life are not f**king real!’
Elaborating further on what he saw at the time, he said: ‘The lamp started to grow wider and deeper, it was still inverted dimensions, it took up my entire perspective and all I could see was red, I heard voices, screams, all kinds of weird noises and I became aware of pain…. a f**king sh*t ton of pain…
‘The first words I said were “I’m missing teeth” and opened my eyes. I was laying on my back on the sidewalk surrounded by people that I didn’t know, lots were freaking out, I was completely confused.’
Having regained consciousness and returned to the immediate aftermath of the incident, the man was helped to the sidewalk by a police man before being taken to hospital for scans and treatment.
One user went further and explained their own glitch in the matrix as she wrote: ‘My equivalent to the Reddit lamp story is this spot on my carpet’
He candidly added: ‘I went through about three years of horrid depression, I was grieving the loss of my wife and children and dealing with the knowledge that they never existed, I was scared that I was going insane as I would cry myself to sleep hoping I would see her in my dreams.
‘I never have, but sometimes I see my son, usually just a glimpse out of my peripheral vision, he is perpetually five years old and I can never hear what he says.’
The post was shared many years ago but was flooded with comments at the time as one wrote: ‘Dear God that’s haunting. I just… wow.’
Another added: ‘That’s really depressing and messed up. Guess I can say sorry for your loss even if it was never real?’
And a third said: ‘That was an amazing story.
The hashtag ‘lampstory’ has so far clocked up more than 75.3 million views on TikTok as users rushed to share their own skits
15 years married, got 4 kids and making a living out of my hobby. Suddenly that lamp looks awfully flat. #pappasparlor #johankarlgren #pappasparlorcustom #thelamp #thelampstory #redditstories #reddit
‘The brain can do magnificent things making everyone’s reality subjective.
‘In a sense it almost really did happen because how much of your “real world” is just an interpretation of your brain.
‘So in a sense I’m sorry for the loss of your wife and kids.’
But the tale has been captivating audiences on TikTok in recent days as many rushed to create their own skits based off the tale.
One user went further and explained their own glitch in the matrix as she wrote: ‘My equivalent to the Reddit lamp story is this spot on my carpet that’s a different texture and it looks blurry but it literally doesn’t show up on camera I just try not to think about it or look at it.’
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